Ischemic diseases are the major cause of death and morbidity in Western countries. In the last decade, cell therapy has been suggested to be a promising treatment both in acute/chronic myocardial and peripheral ischemia. Different cell lineages have been tested, including endothelial progenitor cells. A subpopulation of bone marrow-derived immature ECPs, expressing the highly conserved stem cell glycoprotein antigen prominin-1 or CD133 marker, was shown to possess pro-angiogenic and antiapoptotic effects on ischemic tissues. The mechanisms implicated in CD133+ cells ability to contribute to neovascularization processes have been attributed to their ability to directly differentiate into newly forming vessels and to indirectly activate pro-angiogenic signaling by paracrine mechanisms. A large body of in vivo experimental evidences has demonstrated the potential of CD133+ cells to reverse ischemia. Moreover, several clinical trials have reported promising beneficial effects after infusion of autologous CD133+ into ischemic heart and limbs exploiting various delivery strategies. These trials have contributed to characterize the CD133+ manufacturing process as an advanced cell product (AMP). The aim of this review is to summarize available experimental and clinical data on CD133+ cells in the context of myocardial and peripheral ischemia, and to focus on the development of the CD133+ cell as an anti-ischemic AMP.