Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has largely been used for species delimitation. However, mtDNA introgression across species boundaries can lead to inconsistent phylogenies. Partial sequences of the mitochondrial genome in the chamois, genus Rupicapra, show the presence of three well differentiated clades, West (mtW), Central (mtC) and East (mtE), each with a geographically restricted distribution. The complete mtDNAs of the clades mtW and mtE (main representatives of the two currently considered species R. pyrenaica and R. rupicapra respectively) have been reported. In the present study, we sequenced the clade mtC present in populations from both species inhabiting the central area of Europe: the Apennines (R. pyrenaica ornata) and the Chartreuse Mountains (R. rupicapra cartusiana). The phylogenetic comparison with the genomes of Caprini highlights the ancient presence of chamois in Europe relative to the fossil record, and the old age of the chamois clade mtC that was split from the clade mtW in the early Pleistocene. The separation of R. pyrenaica ornata and R. rupicapra cartusiana female lineages was recent, dating of the late Pleistocene. Our data represent an example of mtDNA introgression of resident females of Chartreuse Mountains into immigrant males of R. rupicapra due to male-biased migration and female phylopatry.
Keywords: Chamois; Introgression; Phylogeny; mtDNA.
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