This study was conducted to compare the attitudes of senior dental students at the Faculty of Dentistry at King Abdulaziz University (KAU) in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine (TUSDM) in Boston, Massachusetts, about providing dental care to individuals with developmental disabilities (DD). Two subsequent classes of senior dental students at both universities were surveyed using a pretested, validated, online questionnaire. The students' demographic and educational data were collected, along with information about their experience, training, and attitudes toward this population. Two hundred and fourteen students responded to the online survey, for a response rate of 35 percent (51 percent for KAU students and 21 percent for TUSDM students). Students at TUSDM had more training, more experience, and more positive attitudes toward individuals with DD compared to KAU students (p<0.05). Students who reported having previous experience with individuals with DD had more positive attitudes than students who reported no experience with these individuals (p<0.05). Students who reported being prepared to treat individuals with DD had more positive attitudes than students who reported not being prepared (p<0.05). These findings suggest an association between predoctoral education in the treatment of individuals with special needs and having positive attitudes toward providing oral health care to individuals with DD.
Keywords: access to care; dental education; dental students; dentistry; developmental disabilities; oral health disparities; patients with special needs.