Introduction: Arginine vasopressin's (AVP) efficacy in the treatment of refractory hypotension is, in part, dependent upon preinfusion endogenous AVP concentration. Corticosteroids, also commonly used to treat refractory hypotension, have been shown to suppress endogenous AVP release. We aimed to determine if corticosteroids affect endogenous AVP concentrations in children recovering from cardiac surgery.
Materials and methods: We reviewed the records of children who underwent cardiac surgery between January 2008 and January 2009 and had AVP concentrations available as part of a prior prospective study. Doses of hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone, and dexamethasone administered within the first 48 hours after cardiopulmonary bypass were quantitated. Multivariable linear regression was performed to determine if corticosteroids had a significant effect on 48-hour plasma AVP concentration.
Results: Sixty-nine children with plasma AVP concentrations available were reviewed, 34 (49%) of which received corticosteroids within 48 hours after cardiopulmonary bypass. On multivariable regression, greater number of corticosteroid doses but not cumulative corticosteroid dosage was significantly associated with low 48-hour AVP concentration (β=-4.0; 95% confidence intervals, -6.5 to -1.4).
Conclusions: Children who receive multiple doses of corticosteroids after cardiac surgery, regardless of potency, are likely to have low endogenous AVP concentrations. Children who remain unstable despite corticosteroids may respond favorably to exogenous AVP therapy.
Keywords: Arginine vasopressin; Cardiac surgical procedures; Cardiopulmonary bypass; Corticosteroids; Hemodynamics; Postoperative care.
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