Aim: To analyze the sustained release of intracanal medicaments with or without a carrier and testing their antimicrobial efficacy in root canal against Candida albicans and Enterococcus faecalis.
Materials and methods: A total of 80 single-rooted anterior teeth were selected, root canal preparation was done, and teeth were divided into two halves and contaminated with C. albicans and E. faecalis, which were further divided into four test groups each according to intracanal medicaments used. Chitosan was used as vehicle for triple antibiotic paste (TAP) and calcium hydroxide and antimicrobial assessment was performed on second and seventh day. Dentine samples were collected after each.
Results: All four medicaments used in this study showed antifungal and antibacterial activity. Group II (TAP + chitosan) and Group III (Ca(OH)2 + chitosan) had the higher antifungal and antibacterial activity compared with two other groups.
Conclusion: Combination of TAP + chitosan and Ca(OH)2 + chitosan produced better results compared with the combination of medicaments with saline.
Keywords: Calcium hydroxide; chitosan; triple antibiotic paste.