Early postnatal rat ventricle resection leads to long-term preserved cardiac function despite tissue hypoperfusion

Physiol Rep. 2014 Aug 28;2(8):e12115. doi: 10.14814/phy2.12115. Print 2014 Aug 1.


One-day-old mice display a brief capacity for heart regeneration after apex resection. We sought to examine this response in a different model and to determine the impact of this early process on long-term tissue perfusion and overall cardiac function in response to stress. Apical resection of postnatal rats at day 1 (P1) and 7 (P7) rendered 18 ± 1.0% and 16 ± 1.3% loss of cardiac area estimated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), respectively (P > 0.05). P1 was associated with evidence of cardiac neoformation as indicated by Troponin I and Connexin 43 expression at 21 days postresection, while in the P7 group mainly scar tissue replacement ensued. Interestingly, there was an apparent lack of uniform alignment of newly formed cells in P1, and we detected cardiac tissue hypoperfusion for both groups at 21 and 60 days postresection using SPECT scanning. Direct basal cardiac function at 60 days, when the early lesion is undetectable, was preserved in all groups, whereas under hemodynamic stress the degree of change on LVDEP, Stroke Volume and Stroke Work indicated diminished overall cardiac function in P7 (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the End-Diastolic Pressure-Volume relationship and increased interstitial collagen deposition in P7 is consistent with increased chamber stiffness. Taken together, we provide evidence that early cardiac repair response to apex resection in rats also leads to cardiomyocyte neoformation and is associated to long-term preservation of cardiac function despite tissue hypoperfusion.

Keywords: Apex resection; cardiomyocytes neoformation; hemodynamic overload; rats; tissue perfusion.