Classifying patients according to longitudinal measures, or trajectory classification, has become frequent in clinical research. The k-means algorithm is increasingly used for this task in case of continuous variables with standard deviations that do not depend on the mean. One feature of count and binary data modeled by Poisson or logistic regression is that the variance depends on the mean; hence, the within-group variability changes from one group to another depending on the mean trajectory level. Mixture modeling could be used here for classification though its main purpose is to model the data. The results obtained may change according to the main objective. This article presents an extension of the k-means algorithm that takes into account the features of count and binary data by using the deviance as distance metric. This approach is justified by its analogy with the classification likelihood. Two applications are presented with binary and count data to show the differences between the classifications obtained with the usual Euclidean distance versus the deviance distance.
Keywords: binary data; cluster analysis; count data; k-means; likelihood; longitudinal data.