Study objective: To reveal the peculiarities of internal radiation doses in the inhabitants of Zhytomyr oblast and to provide a scientific ground for arrangements on internal irradiation dose reducing in population from contaminated regions in long-term period after the ChNPP accident.
Materials and methods: Comprehensive radiation monitoring was carried out in 4 settlements in Narodychi region of Zhytomyr oblast. The radiochemical, dosimetric methods (instrumental and numerical) were used in the study.
Results and conclusions: Significant (2-3.5 times) seasonal increase of incorporated ¹³⁷Cs level was revealed through a WBC-monitoring in residents (both for adults and children) of the supervised settlements of Narodytsky region, Zhytomyr oblast. The exceeding of 1.0 mSv x year⁻¹ dose was revealed in up to 5 % of inspected persons. The maximal registered in those settlements ¹³⁷Cs content of 350 kBq is the source of 10 mSv x year⁻¹ annual dose. ¹³⁷Cs content in milk samples from those settlements didn't change much during a year. Elevation of ¹³⁷Cs content exceeding the permissible level of 100 Bq x litre⁻¹ was found in ~30-50 % of milk samples from Narodychi and Selets villages, whereas in Motiyky and Khrystynivka villages the ¹³⁷Cs content didn't exceed permissible levels. 90Sr content both in potatoes and milk samples was much under the permissible level of 20 Bq x litre⁻¹. ¹³⁷Cs content in potato samples was under the permissible levels. It was found out that main part of internal irradiation doses in the settlements of concern is due to consumption of locally produced victuals i.e. milk and natural/forest-originated products like berries and mushrooms.
Meta doslidzhennja – vyznachennja osoblyvostej formuvannja doz vnutrishn'ogo oprominennja meshkanciv Zhytomyrs'koi' oblasti ta naukove obgruntuvannja zahodiv shhodo zmenshennja doz vnutrishn'ogo oprominennja naselennja radioaktyvno zabrudnenyh terytorij u viddalenyj period avarii' na ChAES. Materialy i metody. Bulo provedeno kompleksnyj radiacijnyj monitoryng u 4 naselenyh punktah Narodyc'kogo rajonu Zhytomyrs'koi' oblasti. Dlja doslidzhen' buly zastosovani metody – dozymetrychni (instrumental'ni ta rozrahunkovi), radiohimichni. Rezul'taty i vysnovky. Provedenyj LVL-monitoryng u 2012 roci u Narodyc'komu rajoni Zhytomyrs'koi' oblasti zarejestruvav znachne u 2–3,5 raza sezonne pidvyshhennja rivniv inkorporacii' 137Cs v organizmi meshkanciv obstezhenyh naselenyh punktiv, jak u doroslyh, tak i u ditej. Majzhe u 5 % osib z chysla obstezhenyh vstanovleno perevyshhennja dozovogo rivnja 1,0 mZv x rik-1. Maksymal'ne znachennja vmistu inkorporovanogo 137Cs, zarejestrovane u cyh naselenyh punktah, stanovyt' 350 kBk, shho formuje richnu dozu vnutrishn'ogo oprominennja 10 mZv x rik-1. Vmist 137Cs u probah moloka v obstezhenyh gospodarstvah vprodovzh roku malo zminyvsja – u 30–50 % prob moloka u smt Narodychi ta s. Selec' zarejestrovano perevyshhennja dopustymogo rivnja vmistu 137Cs – 100 Bk x l-1, u selah Motijky ta Hrystynivka vmist 137Cs u probah moloka ne perevyshhuje dopustymyh rivniv. Vmist 90Sr jak u moloci, tak i v kartopli, znachno nyzhchyj dopustymogo rivnja – 20 Bk x l-1. Vmist 137Cs u kartopli ne perevyshhuje dopustymi rivni. Vstanovleno, shho osnovna chastka dozy vnutrishn'ogo oprominennja meshkanciv obstezhenyh naselenyh punktiv Zhytomyrs'koi' oblasti formujet'sja za rahunok spozhyvannja miscevyh produktiv domashn'ogo gospodarstva - moloka, ta produktiv pryrodnogo, lisovogo pohodzhennja – jagid i grybiv.
Keywords: internal irradiation dose; population from contaminated regions (PCR); whole body counter (WBC).
Vasylenko V. V., Cygankov M. Ja., Nechajev S. Ju., Pikta V. O., Zadorozhna G. M., Bilonyk A. B., 2013.