Ili marinka (Schizothorax pseudoaksaiensis) belongs to the family Cyprinidae, which is found only in Ili River in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. In this study, we reported the complete sequence of mitochondrial genome of S. pseudoaksaiensis. The genome is 16,586 bp in length and consists of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, and the non-coding control regions (D-loop). The complete mitochondrial genome base composition is 29.80% for A, 17.85% for G, 25.31% for T, and 27.04% for C, with a slight A+T bias of 55.11%. The mitochondrial genome can contribute to the studies on genetic diversity and conservation of S. pseudoaksaiensis.
Keywords: Genome; Schizothorax pseudoaksaiensis; mitochondrial DNA.