Objective: Quantify the rate of residual bladder tumor following systematic second look resection of pTa high-grade versus pT1 high-grade patients.
Material and methods: From January 2010 to July 2013, 53 patients with a non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer with high-risk of recurrence and progression underwent a second systematic resection in accordance with the current guidelines of the French Association of Urology (AFU).
Results: Among the 53 patients with a high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer, histological examination of the initial resection identified: 17 pTa high-grade (32.1%) and 36 pT1 high-grade (67.9%). There was a significant difference between the 2 groups of patients (Ta high-grade versus T1 high-grade) concerning the rate of residual tumor on second look resection (11.8% versus 66.7%, P=0.0002). The predictive factors of residual tumor after second resection were the pT1 stage (P=0.0002), tumor multifocality (P=0.02) and presence of associated Cis (P=0.0005).
Conclusion: The high rate of residual tumor in our series confirmed the importance of a systematic second look resection for high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancers. However, for the pTa tumors without associated Cis, the interest of this second look seemed of less concern.
Level of evidence: 5.
Keywords: High-risk; Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer; Re-résection; Recurrence; Residual cancer; Risque élevé de récidive; Second look resection; Tumeur de vessie n’infiltrant pas le muscle; Tumeur résiduelle.
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