A novel X-linked intellectual disability (XLID) syndrome with moderate intellectual disability and distinguishing craniofacial dysmorphisms had been previously mapped to the Xq26-q27 interval. On whole exome sequencing in the large family originally reported with this disorder, we identified a 23 bp frameshift deletion in the RNA binding motif protein X-linked (RBMX) gene at Xq26 in the affected males (n = 7), one carrier female, absent in unaffected males (n = 2) and in control databases (7800 exomes). The RBMX gene has not been previously causal of human disease. We examined the genic intolerance scores for the coding regions and the non-coding regions of RBMX; the findings were indicative of RBMX being relatively intolerant to loss of function variants, a distinctive pattern seen in a subset of XLID genes. Prior expression and animal modeling studies indicate that loss of function of RBMX results in abnormal brain development. Our finding putatively adds a novel gene to the loci associated with XLID and may enable the identification of other individuals affected with this distinctive syndrome.
Keywords: Shashi syndrome; X-linked intellectual disability; X-linked mental retardation; whole exome sequencing.
© 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.