Starch degradation in chloroplasts requires β-amylase (BAM) activity, which is encoded by a multigene family. Of nine Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) BAM genes, six encode plastidic enzymes, but only four of these are catalytically active. In vegetative plants, BAM1 acts during the day in guard cells, whereas BAM3 is the dominant activity in mesophyll cells at night. Plastidic BAMs have been difficult to assay in leaf extracts, in part because of a cytosolic activity encoded by BAM5. We generated a series of double mutants lacking BAM5 and each of the active plastidic enzymes (BAM1, BAM2, BAM3, and BAM6) and found that most of the plastidic activity in 5-week-old plants was encoded by BAM1 and BAM3. Both of these activities were relatively constant during the day and the night. Analysis of leaf extracts from double mutants and purified BAM1 and BAM3 proteins revealed that these proteins have distinct properties. Using soluble starch as the substrate, BAM1 and BAM3 had optimum activity at pH 6.0 to 6.5, but at high pH, BAM1 was more active than BAM3, consistent with its known daytime role in the guard cell stroma. The optimum temperature for BAM1, which is transcriptionally induced by heat stress, was about 10°C higher than that of BAM3, which is transcriptionally induced by cold stress. The amino acid composition of BAM1 and BAM3 orthologs reflected differences that are consistent with known adaptations of proteins from heat- and cold-adapted organisms, suggesting that these day- and night-active enzymes have undergone thermal adaptation.
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