Background: The power of the genome wide association studies starts to go down when the minor allele frequency (MAF) is below 0.05. Here, we proposed the use of Cohen's h in detecting disease associated rare variants. The variance stabilizing effect based on the arcsine square root transformation of MAFs to generate Cohen's h contributed to the statistical power for rare variants analysis. We re-analyzed published datasets, one microarray and one sequencing based, and used simulation to compare the performance of Cohen's h with the risk difference (RD) and odds ratio (OR).
Results: The analysis showed that the type 1 error rate of Cohen's h was as expected and Cohen's h and RD were both less biased and had higher power than OR. The advantage of Cohen's h was more obvious when MAF was less than 0.01.
Conclusions: Cohen's h can increase the power to find genetic association of rare variants and diseases, especially when MAF is less than 0.01.