Activated T cells responding to murine minor histocompatibility antigens (HA) were characterized according to the patterns of lymphokine activity production. Although B10.D2/nSN and BALB/c are mutually non-reactive in mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR), graft-versus-host reaction (GVHR) can be induced by the injection of a large amount of B10.D2/nSN lymphoid cells into irradiated BALB/c recipient mice. Spleen cells from such GVHR mice spontaneously produced interleukin 3 (IL-3)-dependent cell-stimulating activity in cultures, but did not produce interleukin 2 (IL-2). Normal B10.D2/nSN spleen cells also produced IL-3-like activity, but not IL-2 in MLR supernatants, in response to irradiated BALB/c splenocytes. In addition, B-cell stimulatory factor-1 (BSF-1)/interleukin 4 (IL-4) and colony-stimulating factor (CSF) activity were detected in MLR supernatants. The properties of the produced lymphokine activities were similar to those produced in syngeneic transplant mice and syngeneic MLR, but a difference in the time course of lymphokine production existed between GVHR and syngeneic transplant mice. These results indicate that T cells may be activated in vivo in allogeneic transplantation when the donor and the recipient are matched for major HA, and are non-reactive in MLR. Also, the character of lymphokine-producing T cells activated by minor HA may not be qualitatively different from those responding to irradiated syngeneic cells.