Objective: Collecting duct carcinoma of the kidney is a rare and aggressive subtype of renal cell carcinoma with low cancer-specific survival. We reviewed our series of collecting duct tumours retrospectively.
Methods/results: We performed a retrospective analysis of the collecting duct carcinomas of the kidney treated in our unit between January 2007 and December 2012. The variables analysed were: age, gender, reason for consultation, side affected, ASA score according to anaesthetic risk, surgical treatment, tumour size, Fuhrman grade, lymphovascular invasion, TNM staging (2009 classification), adjuvant treatment and survival time. Four collecting duct carcinomas were identified. Mean patient age was 61 years. Constitutional syndrome and lower back pain were the most frequent reasons for consultation (75%), followed by hematuria. The surgical treatment was laparoscopic radical nephrectomy in 100% of the cases, with lymphadenectomy in 2 patients due to lymph node disease detected on imaging studies. The 4 patients were initially treated with temsirolimus as adjuvant therapy with no response. Two patients were given second-line treatment with sunitinib without any response. All 4 patients died from their disease with a mean survival of 9.5 months (rang: 4-15 months).
Conclusions: Collecting duct carcinoma of the kidney is a rare and aggressive renal parenchymal tumour. Long-term survival rate is low, because the only potentially curative treatment seems to be surgery if it is performed in patients with localised tumours.