[Family approach and consent for organ donation]

Rev Bras Ter Intensiva. 2007 Mar;19(1):85-9.
[Article in Portuguese]


Background and objectives: Since organ transplantation has become the treatment of choice for several end-stage diseases, organ shortage is the most important barrier for the procedures and waiting lists are increasing out of proportion. The objective of this study was to review the best practices concerning family referral and how these issues and others aspects of the donation process can influence consent rates.

Contents: Despite the growing number of live donors, the brain death donor continuous to be the major source of organs for transplantation and the only source of extra-renal organs. Many problems have been identified in the donation process, including non-identification of the brain death donor, inadequate care of the donors and family refusal to donation. Increasing the consent rate for donation seems to be a good alternative to reduce organ shortage.

Conclusions: Family decision to donate organs is influenced by several aspects. Highly trained professionals in family referral can affect consent rates.

Publication types

  • English Abstract