HIV transmission among serodifferent couples has a significant impact on incidence of HIV worldwide. Antiretroviral interventions (i.e., preexposure prophylaxis, post-exposure prophylaxis, and treatment as prevention) are important aspects of comprehensive prevention and care for serodifferent couples. In this study, HIV-negative members of serodifferent couples were interviewed using open-ended questions to explore their health-care needs, perceptions of clinic-based prevention services, and experience of having an HIV-infected partner. Analysis of interviews with 10 HIV-negative partners revealed the following themes: (1) health needs during joint medical visits; (2) sexual risk reduction strategies; (3) relationship dynamics; and (4) strategies for coping. This study elucidated relationship, health and health care factors that might affect development and implementation of clinic-based prevention interventions for HIV serodifferent couples. The findings point to possible relationship-centered recommendations for health-care providers who serve HIV-affected couples in clinical settings.
Keywords: HIV infection prevention and control; HIV serodiscordant; HIV seronegativity; sexual partners.