Immunogenicity (the development of an adaptive immune response reactive with a therapeutic) is a well-described but unwanted facet of biotherapeutic development. There are commonly applied procedures for immunogenicity risk assessment, testing strategies, and bioanalysis. With some modifications, these can be applied to new biotherapeutic modalities. For novel therapies such as antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), the unique structural components may contribute additional complexities to both immunologic responses and bioanalytical methods. US product inserts (USPIs) for two commercially available ADCs detail the incidence of immunogenicity; however, the body of literature on immunogenicity of ADCs is limited. We recently participated in a conference session on this topic (Annual meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, held November 2013 in San Antonio, TX, USA. The meeting featured the Symposium: Immunogenicity Assessment for Novel Antibody Drug Conjugates, Nonclinical to Clinical) which prompted an effort to share our perspectives on how immunogenicity risk assessment, testing strategies, and bioanalytical methods can be adapted to reflect the complexity of ADC therapeutics.