What is known and objective: The management of metastatic melanoma has changed significantly in the past decade with the development of immunotherapies and targeted molecular therapies. Trials of targeted therapies have focused mainly on patients with the most common BRAF V600 mutations, namely V600E/K substitutions, with very little information available on the benefit of targeted therapies on less commonly occurring mutations such as V600R/D and M.
Case summary: We present a 54-year-old man with metastatic melanoma harbouring a rare BRAF V600M mutation, who experienced clinical and radiological response to combined therapy with the BRAF inhibitor dabrafenib and MEK inhibitor trametinib.
What is new and conclusion: As our understanding of these therapies evolves and an increasing number of patients have mutational testing performed, there is a clear imperative--as highlighted by this case--to test for rarer mutations and facilitate their inclusion both in everyday practice and in future clinical trials.
Keywords: BRAF mutation; V600M; melanoma; targeted therapy.
© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.