We have developed a "sandwich"-type immunoradiometric assay for corticotropin (ACTH), with a detection limit of 2 ng/L. Two antibodies are used: a mouse monoclonal antibody directed against ACTH[1-17] and labeled with 125I; and a purified polyclonal goat antibody directed against ACTH[34-39] and conjugated to biotin. We could separate 125I-labeled antibody bound to ACTH from 125I-labeled antibody not bound to ACTH by using an avidin-biotin bridge, with avidin bound to a polystyrene ball. This assay reacts with ACTH[1-39] but shows no reaction with ACTH fragments [1-24], [1-17], or [34-39], or with melanotropin, endorphins, or lipotropin. This assay is sensitive enough to detect ACTH in plasma of all normal adults. Concentrations measured in 94 adults between 0800 and 1000 hours were normally distributed on a log scale, with a mean of 19.5 ng/L and a 95% range of 7.1 to 53.8 ng/L. Dexamethasone given at 2300 hours to 14 adults suppressed ACTH to less than 4 ng/L in 13 of the subjects and to 8 ng/L in the 14th. Metyrapone given to 13 adults at 2300 hours increased ACTH to 245.3 ng/L (95% range, 90.1 to 667.7 ng/L). This assay accurately classified patients with disorders of the adrenal system.