Aim: To study the efficacy of novel rhenium compounds to treat triple node negative breast cancer.
Place and duration: Six (6) novel rhenium pentycarbanato compounds (PC1-6) were synthesized and triple node negative breast cancer cell lines HTB-132 and Balb/c mouse kidney cell lines were treated with each of them for 48 hours. The results were analyzed by a common trypan blue cell death assay system and statistically analyzed.
Place and duration: The compounds were synthesized, analyzed and evaluated at the Department of Chemistryof Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland and the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Elizabeth City State University campus of the University of North Carolina system.
Methodology: The novel rhenium compounds were synthesized from one-pot reactions of Re2(CO)10 with the corresponding α-diimine ligands in 1-pentanol.The compounds were characterized spectroscopically. The cell lines were cultured by standard cell culture procedure and treated with each of the six compounds in DMSO for 48 hours with a negative control and a DMSO vehicular control along with a cisplatin positive control.The cytotoxicity was evaluated by standard trypan blue assay and the results were statistically analyzed.
Results: The trypan blueassay reveals that these compounds have significant cytotoxicity against MDA-MB-468 (HTB-132) triple node negative breast cancer cell lines and are less nephrotoxic than cisplatin.
Conclusion: The novel rhenium compounds PC 1-6 can potentially find applications in the treatment of highly malignant triple node negative breast cancer.
Keywords: HTB-132 breast cancer cells; Rhenium pentylcarbonato compounds; cytotoxicity; trypan blue assay.