Prompt deposition of fibronectin-rich extracellular matrix is a critical feature of normal development and the host-response to injury. Fibronectin isoforms that include the EDA and EDB domains are prominent in these fibronectin matrices. We now report using human dermal fibroblast cultures that the EDA domain of fibronectin or EDA-derived peptides modeled after the C-C' loop promote stress fiber formation and myosin-light chain phosphorylation. These changes are accompanied by an increase in fibronectin synthesis and fibrillogenesis. These effects are blocked by pretreating cells with either siRNA or blocking antibody to the α4 integrin. Our data indicate that the interaction between the α4β1 integrin and the EDA domain of fibronectin helps to drive tissue fibrosis by promoting a contractile phenotype and an increase in fibronectin synthesis and deposition.
Keywords: Contractility; Fibronectin; Fibrosis; Rho kinase; Stress fibers; α4β1 integrin.
Copyright © 2014 International Society of Matrix Biology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.