This study was focused on characterization of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli isolates from chickens and CTX-M associated plasmid addiction systems (PASs) in E. coli from animals using molecular methods. In total, E. coli from nine (9.0%) of the 100 chicken samples examined produced CTX-M type ESBL namely CTX-M-14 (n=4), CTX-M-15 (n=4), and CTX-M-1 (n=1). All of them harbored an additional blaTEM-1 gene. Transfer of blaCTX-M gene was observed in eight out of the nine blaCTX-M-positive isolates by conjugation. Plasmid profiling of blaCTX-M-positive transconjugants revealed a high-molecular weight (95-165 kb) plasmid. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed that most CTX-M-producing chicken isolates were genetically diverse. Furthermore, investigation of 92 conjugation-positive E. coli strains carrying blaCTX-M genes from pigs (n=76), chickens (n=8), and dogs (n=8) identified 230 PASs in the parental strains and 118 in their transconjugants. Among them, hok-sok, pemKI, and pndAC were the most frequently represented PASs in both the parental strains and the transconjugants. Moreover, the hok-sok and pemKI systems were strongly associated to IncF plasmids and the pndAC system to IncI1-Iγ plasmids. Our results suggest that the rapid spread of CTX-M genes in E. coli isolates among the animals could be attributed to the presence of multiple PASs in the CTX-M plasmids. To our knowledge, this is the first report of characterization of CTX-M associated PASs in E. coli isolates from pigs, chickens, and dogs. In addition, CTX-M-1 was detected for the first time in Korea.
Keywords: Addiction system; Animals; CTX-M ESBL; E. coli.
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