Background: Candida and epithelial dysplasia have long been associated with oro-mucosal lesions.
Aim and objective: The present study was designed to evaluate the correlation between presence of Candida organisms and epithelial dysplasia in various oral mucosal lesions associated with areca nut and tobacco use.
Materials and methods: A total of 50 individuals were selected, between age range of 19-70 y. Three separate cytosmears were prepared for each participant. All the slides were stained with PAS stain and the best slide was viewed for candidal organisms.
Statistical tests: The data was analysed using the SPSS version16. Chi square test was performed.
Results: Out of these, samples of 26 participants displayed presence of Candida. It was further observed that all the samples that were positive for presence of Candida displayed the organism in hyphal form. Out of 50 biopsy specimens stained for presence of Candida using PAS stain, samples of only 2 participants demonstrated presence of Candida in hyphal form, whereas the biopsy specimens stained for demonstrating dysplastic changes using H&E stain displayed various levels of cellular atypia in samples of 16 participants. Out of these 12 were mild, 3 were moderate & 1 displayed severe dysplastic changes.
Conclusion: The study revealed a statistically non significant correlation between the presence of Candida and epithelial dysplasia in oral mucosal lesions.
Keywords: Candida; Epithelial dysplasia; Leukoplakia; Lichen planus; Oral submucous fibrosis.