Objectives: To determine the geographic variability and relationship between six occupational injury practice guidelines.
Methods: Guidelines were developed by an expert panel and evaluated using workers' compensation claims data from a large, national insurance company (1999 to 2010). Percentage compliance for each guideline was adjusted for age and sex using linear regression and mapped by hospital referral region. Regions with the lowest compliance were identified, and correlations between guidelines were calculated.
Results: Compliance to the unnecessary home care guideline showed the lowest geographic variation (interquartile range: 97.3 to 99.0), and inappropriate shoulder bracing showed the highest variation (interquartile range: 77.7 to 90.8). Correlation between the guidelines was weak and not always positive.
Conclusions: Different guidelines showed different degrees of geographic variation. Lack of correlation between guidelines suggests that these indicators were not associated with a single underlying health care quality or patient severity construct.