We evaluated the prevalence and prognostic value of CT-pulmonary angiographic (CTPA) measures in 292 treatment naive patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Pulmonary artery calcification (13%) and thrombus (10%) were exclusively seen in PAH-congenital heart disease. Oesophageal dilation (46%) was most frequent in PAH-systemic sclerosis. Ground glass opacification (GGO) (41%), pericardial effusion (38%), lymphadenopathy (19%) and pleural effusion (11%) were common. On multivariate analysis, inferior vena caval area, the presence of pleural effusion and septal lines predicted outcome. In PAH, CTPA provides diagnostic and prognostic information. In addition, the presence of GGO on a CT performed for unexplained breathlessness should alert the physician to the possibility of PAH.
Keywords: Primary Pulmonary Hypertension.
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