Aim: The aim of the study is to evaluate the chest wall and rib toxicities in primary lung cancer patients treated with CyberKnife-based stereotactic body radiotherapy.
Materials & methods: In this study, data were collected from the 118 patients, of which 25 patients who had longer follow-up (mean: 21.9 months) were considered. Studied parameters were maximum point dose, doses to 1-100 cm(3) of chest wall and 1-10 cm(3) of ribs.
Results: Three patients developed chest wall pain (grade I). 25 studied patients, on average, received 27.7 Gy to 30 cm(3) of chest wall and 50.4 Gy to 1 cm(3) of rib. Nine patients had more than 30 Gy dose to 30 cm(3) of chest wall. No rib bone fracture was found.
Conclusion: No correlations of chest wall pain and volume of irradiation were found.
Keywords: CyberKnife; chest pain; chest wall toxicity; rib fracture; stereotactic body radiotherapy.