Regulation of the radionuclide content in commodities produced in areas affected by the Chornobyl accident

Probl Radiac Med Radiobiol. 2014 Sep:19:26-34.
[Article in English, Ukrainian]


This paper discusses the approaches to regulation of the content of radionuclides in commodities and compares the international and Ukrainian standards, which establish permissible levels of the content of radionuclides in food-stuffs produced in the Chornobyl-affected areas. The paper gives the actual monitoring data and discusses the main causes of differences between Ukrainian, European and international standards. The need for improvement of current approaches to the regulation of the content of radionuclides in commodities is highlighted.

U statti proanalizovano pidhody do reguljuvannja vmistu radionuklidiv u produktah ta inshyh tovarah, a takozh zdijsneno porivnjannja dijuchyh mizhnarodnyh j ukrai'ns'kyh normatyviv, jaki obmezhujut' vmist radionuklidiv u produktah, vyroblenyh na postrazhdalyh vnaslidok avarii' na ChAES terytorijah. Rozgljanuto osnovni prychyny vidminnostej normatyvnyh dokumentiv ta navedeno faktychni dani suchasnogo stanu zabrudnennja produktiv vnaslidok avarii' na ChAES. Obg'runtovano neobhidnist' udoskonalennja najavnyh u sviti ta v Ukrai'ni pidhodiv i optymizacii' ukrai'ns'koi' normatyvnoi' bazy.

Keywords: Chornobyl accident; acceptable levels; food products; radionuclide content in products; regulation; regulatory framework.