Two hundred and ninety-three cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) of recent ten years during 1979 and 1988 were analysed on its diagnosis, therapy and prognosis. Angiography was the most useful diagnostic method for the first 5 years. During recent 5 years and for the tumor with size less than 2 cm, however, ultrasonography was the best method. 24.7% cases showed negative AFP and only 42.5% cases showed the level over 400 ng/ml. According to the tumor occupying-rate at the diagnosis, the number of cases of E1 had increased annually, the other cases being unchanged. 88.6% cases had liver cirrhosis microscopically as being reported previously. As a therapy TAE was most frequently performed, followed by operation, arterial infusion of antitumor drugs et al. The prognosis of the patients depended on the tumor occupying-rate. For the case of E1, the prognosis was the best by the therapy of ethanol injection therapy, operation and TAE. For the cases with tumor of larger than E1, frequent TAE was the best. From these results we concluded that we must make efforts to find small tumors to get the good prognosis.