Hybrid optical fiber add-drop filter based on wavelength dependent light coupling between micro/nano fiber ring and side-polished fiber

Sci Rep. 2015 Jan 12:5:7710. doi: 10.1038/srep07710.


In this paper, we report our experimental study on directly coupling a micro/nano fiber (MNOF) ring with a side-polished fiber(SPF). As a result of the study, the behavior of an add-drop filter was observed. The demonstrated add-drop filter explored the wavelength dependence of light coupling between a MNOF ring and a SPF. The characteristics of the filter and its performance dependence on the MNOF ring diameter were investigated experimentally. The investigation resulted in an empirically obtained ring diameter that showed relatively good filter performance. Since light coupling between a (MNOF) and a conventional single mode fiber has remained a challenge in the photonic integration community, the present study may provide an alternative way to couple light between a MNOF device and a conventional single mode fiber based device or system. The hybridization approach that uses a SPF as a platform to integrate a MNOF device may enable the realization of other all-fiber optical hybrid devices.

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  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't