Objective: This study focuses on the design of an entry-level educational model of culturally responsive care in occupational therapy embedded in service-learning (CRCOT-SL) that is perceived as clear, relevant, evidence-based, and useful by occupational therapy educators. The purpose of the model is to guide OT educators in teaching students to enable occupational participation and social inclusion in cross-cultural encounters.
Method: The design consisted in defining the areas of the model and the components of each area, and articulating the learning process embedded in service-learning. A formative evaluation of CRCOT-SL was then performed using survey methods to collect feedback from 30 OT educators regarding the clarity, relevance, evidence-based constructs, and usefulness of CRCOT-SL.
Results: CRCOT-SL was perceived to be clear, relevant, evidence-based, and useful to 81.5% of the OT educators who participated in the study. Minor modifications to the model were completed based on the educator's feedback.
Conclusions: CRCOT-SL is intended to respond not only to the dynamic, multicultural, and diverse environments in which practitioners currently practice but to the future needs of a global community facing social, political, economic, and environmental issues that will continue to affect dramatically people's living conditions and occupational needs.
Keywords: OT education; client-centered practice; culture; enablement; experiential learning; justice; occupation.