Liangshan pig is one of the famous native breeds in Sichuan province in China. It lives in the mountainous areas (about 1500-2500 m altitude) and has a superior meat quality. Here, the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Liangshan pig was first reported. The total length of mitochondrial genome is 16,760 bp, including 34.62% A, 25.79% T, 26.20%, C and 13.39% G, with an A + T bias of 60.41%. Mitochondrial genome contains a major non-coding control region (D-Loop region), two ribosomal RNA genes, 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), and 22 transfer RNA genes. The D-loop region is located between the tRNA-Pro and tRNA-Phe genes with a length of 1324 bp, some tandem repeat sequences was found in the region. The mitochondrial genome of Liangshan pig provides an important role in genetic mechanism.
Keywords: Genome composition; Liangshan pig; mitochondria.