Pallister-Hall syndrome is a complex malformation syndrome characterized by a wide range of anomalies including hypothalamic hamartoma, polydactyly, bifid epiglottis, and genitourinary abnormalities. It is usually caused by truncating frameshift/nonsense and splicing mutations in the middle third of GLI3. The clinical course ranges from mild to lethal in the neonatal period. We present the first patient with Pallister-Hall syndrome reported with total colonic aganglionosis, a rare form of Hirschsprung disease with poor long-term outcome. The patient also had an imperforate anus, which is the third individual with Pallister-Hall syndrome reported with both Hirschsprung disease and an imperforate anus. Molecular testing via amniocentesis showed an apparently de novo novel nonsense mutation c.2641 C>T (p.Gln881*). His overall medical course was difficult and was complicated by respiratory failure and pan-hypopituitarism. Invasive care was ultimately withdrawn, and the patient expired at three months of age. This patient's phenotype was complex with unusual gastrointestinal features ultimately leading to a unfavorable prognosis and outcome, highlighting the range of clinical severity in patients with Pallister-Hall syndrome.
Keywords: GLI3; Hirschprung disease; Pallister-Hall Syndrome; imperforate anus; total colonic aganglionosis.
© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.