A sheath flow gating interface (SFGI) is presented for the on-line coupling of solid-phase extraction (SPE) with capillary electrophoresis (CE). The design, construction and operation of the SFGI are described in detail. After operating conditions were investigated and selected, the SFGI was evaluated on a SPE-CE-UV setup using hydroxylated poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) monolith as the absorbent and using three phenols as the test analytes. The preconcentration factors obtained with the SPE-CE-UV system and the SPE-UV part are 530 and 550, respectively. The plate numbers obtained using the SPE-CE-UV system are slightly better than or comparable to those with the CE-UV part. The precisions (RSDs) of 100 consecutive injections are 2.43%, 3.86%, and 4.25% for peak height, peak area and migration time, respectively. The measured recoveries for the river water samples spiked at three different levels are in the range of 93.6-102.8% with the interday RSD values ranging from 2.0 to 4.5% (n=3). These data collectively demonstrate that the SFGI has the ability to exactly and reproducibly transfer nanoliters of fractions from SPE onto CE with no degradation of the efficiencies of SPE and CE, suggesting a great potential to be routinely used for the coupling of SPE, microcolumn LC or FIA with CE.
Keywords: Capillary electrophoresis; Interface; Phenols; Solid-phase extraction.
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