A 67-year-old man had a sev-ere cough and pulmonary infection for 1 wk before seeking evaluation at our hospital. He had undergone esophagectomy with gastric pull-up and radiotherapy for esophageal cancer 3 years previously. After admission to our hospital, gastroscopy and bronchoscopy revealed a fistulous communication between the posterior tracheal wall near the carina and the upper residual stomach. We measured the diameter of the trachea and bronchus and determined the site and size of the fistula using multislice computed tomography and gastroscopy. A covered self-expanding Y-shaped metallic stent was implanted into the trachea and bronchus. Subsequently, the fistula was closed completely. The patient tolerated the stent well and had good palliation of his symptoms.
Keywords: Esophageal cancer; Gastroesophageal surgery; Gastrotracheal fistula; Y-shaped metallic stent.