This study carried out at a type "C" hospital, analyses the actual pathology of 1,052 patients attended to at the internal medicine department during a period of one year. The sex distribution did not show any differences. The median age (64 years) was significantly superior in women. The more frequent diseases were from group VII (cardiovascular: 512 cases) and group VIII (respiratory: 471 cases) according to the 9th edition of the who international diseases classification. The most frequent causes for admission were: respiratory infection (19.5%), cardiac insufficiency (13.8%) and CVA (10.6%). The most frequent baseline diseases were cardiomyopathy (20.4%), chronic obstructive airways syndrome (16%), malignant neoplasia (8.5%) and hepatopathy (7.6%). The risk factors and toxic habits observed were: Chronic bronchitis (19.6%), blood hypertension (15.5%), diabetes (13.5%) and high alcohol intake (10%).