Recent advances in modelling the architecture and function of the plant hydraulic network have led to improvements in predicting and interpreting the consequences of functional trait variation on CO2 uptake and water loss. We build upon one such model to make novel predictions for scaling of the total specific hydraulic conductance of leaves and shoots (kL and kSH , respectively) and variation in the partitioning of hydraulic conductance. Consistent with theory, we observed isometric (slope = 1) scaling between kL and kSH across several independently collected datasets and a lower ratio of kL and kSH , termed the leaf-to-shoot conductance ratio (CLSCR ), in arid environments and in woody species. Isometric scaling of kL and kSH supports the concept that hydraulic design is coordinated across the plant. We propose that CLSCR is an important adaptive trait that represents the trade-off between efficiency and safety at the scale of the whole plant.
Keywords: functional trait; hydraulic architecture; leaf conductance; scaling; vascular network.
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.