The therapeutic spectrum of this disorder consists of medical therapy, endoscopic balloon dilatation, endoscopic Botox injection, open or laparoscopic cardia myotomy, and most recently transesophageal endoscopic myotomy (POEM peroral endoscopic myotomy). The most important requirement is a well-experienced team in interventional flexible endoscopy. The endoscopist as well as the assisting staff should have experience in advanced therapeutic endoscopic techniques and hemostasis to handle all necessary endoscopic instruments such as injection needles, needle knife, triangle knife, coagulation graspers, and endoscopic clip handling and closures. In addition, advanced surgical and especially laparoscopic skills and experience as well as surgical knowledge about esophageal disease must be available in case of conversion and/or consultation. Prior to this procedure, the patient undergoes a detailed diagnostic work-up to confirm the diagnosis of achalasia. The procedures are performed in general anesthesia. The patient is brought in a supine position, and the abdomen is free for inspection and palpation during the procedure. The myotomy can be performed in different locations around the esophageal circumference. In Europe, several centers with large experience in esophageal disease, laparoscopy, and especially advanced interventional endoscopy have started to introduce this POEM-technique in their clinical practice. Initial success and low complication rates are quite promising and show a great future perspective for this technique. In the USA, POEM is a procedure with a substantial increase in numbers performed in the past years with a low complication rate. The largest series are performed in Asia with a great clinical success. The perspective of POEM may be the lesser access trauma. Its potential can be also realized in Redo cases, where experienced centers have initial experience with POEM after POEM and POEM after LHMD.