Purpose: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Trulign toric intraocular lens (IOL) in adults with cataract.
Setting: Eight private practices in the United States and 1 in Canada.
Design: Prospective randomized single-masked multicenter study.
Methods: A toric IOL (1.25 D, 2.00 D, or 2.75 D, determined by a toric calculator) was implanted in eligible patients with age-related cataract requiring a 16.00 to 27.00 diopter (D) spherical IOL power and with a predicted postoperative astigmatism of 0.83 to 2.50 D. Eyes within the lowest cylinder range (predicted postoperative astigmatism 0.83 to 1.32 D) were randomized in a 1:1 ratio between the 1.25 D toric IOL group and the nontoric accommodating IOL (Crystalens) control group.
Results: The toric 1.25 D group had a statistically significantly greater percentage reduction in absolute cylinder (P < .001) and uncorrected distance visual acuity (P = .002) than the control group at the 120- to 180-day visit. The mean monocular uncorrected vision at distance, intermediate, and near was 20/25, 20/22, and 20/39, respectively, with the 1.25 D, 2.00 D, and 2.75 D toric IOLs in aggregate (toric group). In addition, 96.1% of patients (123/128) had 5.0 degrees or less absolute IOL rotation postoperatively. Regarding safety, the endpoints for preservation of corrected visual acuity and the incidence of complications and adverse events were met.
Conclusion: The toric IOL was safe and effective in reducing the effects of preoperative corneal astigmatism and provided excellent uncorrected distance and intermediate vision and functional near vision.
Financial disclosures: Dr. Pepose is a consultant to Bausch & Lomb and was medical monitor of this study. Drs. Buckhurst, Whitman, Feinerman, Hovanesian, Davies, Labor, and Carter are consultants to Bausch & Lomb. At the time of the study, Drs. Hayashida, and Khodai were employees of Bausch & Lomb. Drs. Colvard and Mittleman have financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned.
Copyright © 2015 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.