Background: Placement accuracy of ventriculostomy catheters is reported in a wide and variable range. Development of an efficient image-guidance system may improve physician performance and patient safety.
Objective: We evaluate the prototype of Smart Stylet, a new electromagnetic image-guidance system for use during bedside ventriculostomy.
Methods: Accuracy of the Smart Stylet system was assessed. System operators were evaluated for their ability to successfully target the ipsilateral frontal horn in a phantom model.
Results: Target registration error across 15 intracranial targets ranged from 1.3 to 4.6 mm (mean 3.1 mm). Using Smart Stylet guidance, a test operator successfully passed a ventriculostomy catheter to a shifted ipsilateral frontal horn 20/20 (100%) times from the frontal approach in a skull phantom. Without Smart Stylet guidance, the operator was successful 4/10 (40%) times from the right frontal approach and 6/10 (60%) times from the left frontal approach. In a separate experiment, resident operators were successful 2/4 (50%) times when targeting the shifted ipsilateral frontal horn with Smart Stylet guidance and 0/4 (0%) times without image guidance using a skull phantom.
Conclusions: Smart Stylet may improve the ability to successfully target the ventricles during frontal ventriculostomy.
© 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel.