Objective: A relevant part of the social and personal burden caused by Bipolar Disorder (BD) is related to depressive phases. Authors investigated the genetic impact of a set of variations located in CRY1, a gene involved in the control of the circadian rhythms, towards depressive episodes in a sample of bipolar patients from the STEP-BD sample. As a secondary analysis, CYR1 variations were analyzed as predictors of sleep disruption.
Methods: 654 bipolar patients were included in the analysis. Data were available genome-wide. The part of the genome coding for the CRY1 was imputed and pruned according to standards in the field. 7 SNPs were available for the analysis. A correction for multitesting was applied and we had sufficient power (0.80) to detect a small-medium effect size (0.22) between two allelic frequencies each one represented by at least 300 subjects.
Results: Intronic rs10861688 was associated with the number of depressive events corrected for the times patients were assessed during the period of observation. In particular, AA subjects (n=21) had 4.46±3.15 events, AG (n=141) had 3.08±3.17 and GG (n=342) 2.65±2.97 (p=0.0048, beta=-0.22). No other significant associations were reported.
Conclusion: We bring further evidence that genes involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms may be relevant to depressive bipolar phases. Independent confirmation analyses are mandatory.
Keywords: Bipolar disorder; CRY1; Depressive episode; Gene; SNP.