Background: The Paediatric Registry analyses renal replacement therapy (RRT) data in children. All 13 UK paediatric nephrology centres submit electronic data.
Aims: To provide centre specific data and to determine adherence to relevant audit standards.
Methods: Data analysis to calculate summary statistics and achievement of an audit standard.
Results: The median height z-score for children on dialysis was -2.0 and for children with a functioning transplant -1.3. Children transplanted before age 11 years improved their height z score subsequently, whereas those >11 maintained their height z-score, with all transplanted patients having a similar height z-score after 3 years of starting RRT.The median weight z-score for children on dialysis was -1.2, and for children with a functioning transplant -0.2.Of those with data, 75% of the prevalent paediatric RRT population had .1 risk factors for cardiovascular disease, with 1 in 10 having all three risk factors evaluated. For transplant patients, 76% achieved the systolic blood pressure (SBP)standard and 91% achieved the haemoglobin standard. For haemodialysis patients, 53% achieved the SBP standard,66% the haemoglobin standard, 84% the calcium standard,43% the phosphate standard and 43% achieved the parathyroid hormone (PTH) standard. For peritoneal dialysis patients, 61% achieved the SBP standard, 83% the haemoglobin standard, 71% the calcium standard, 56% the phosphate standard and 36% achieved the PTH standard.
Conclusions: Quarterly data collection will improve quality and reporting. Continued focus on improving height and avoiding obesity is needed. Awareness and management of cardiovascular risk is an important long term strategy.