Moenomycins (Mm)--phosphoglycolipid compounds produced by Streptomyces ghanaensis ATCC14672--are considered a promising model for development of novel-class of antibiotics. In this regard it is important to generate Mm overproducing strains which would be a basis for economically justified production of this antibiotic. In this work a set of genes for synthesis and reception of low-molecularweight signaling molecules (LSM) in ATCC14672 were described and their significance for Mm production was studied. The ATCC 14672 genome carries structural and regulatory genes for production of LSMs of avenolide and γ-butyrolacone families. Additional copies of LSM biosynthetic genes ssfg_07848 and ssfg_07725 did not alter the Mm production level. ATCC14672 LSMs are not capable of restoring the sporulation of butyrolactone-nonpro-ucing mutant ofS . griseus. Likewise, while the heterologous host S. lividans 1326 produced Mm, its mutant M707 (deficient in the butyrolactone synthase gene scbA) did not. Thus, while the natural level of LSMs pro-uction by ATCC 14672 does not limit Mm synthesis, the former is essential for the synthesis of moenomycins.