SasX is a recently described surface protein of Staphylococcus aureus that is linked to the epidemic success of hospital-associated methicillin-resistant clones, in particular in Asia. It enhances nasal colonization and virulence in skin and lung infection models. Here, we evaluated the potential of SasX as a vaccine component in passive and active immunization efforts using mouse infection models. We found that SasX induced a specific immune response predominantly based on IgG1 antibodies. Active immunization with recombinant SasX or passive immunization with rabbit polyclonal anti-SasX IgG significantly decreased the size of lesions caused by S. aureus in a skin infection model. Furthermore, active immunization reduced acute lung injury in a lung infection model. Moreover, active or passive immunization significantly reduced S. aureus colonization in a nasal colonization model. Finally, anti-SasX IgG enhanced the susceptibility of S. aureus to killing by human neutrophils. We conclude that SasX is a potential target for therapeutics or vaccines designed to moderate colonization and infection by sasX-positive epidemic strains of S. aureus.
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