Suicidal attempts have a very significant effect on the society, and they also reflect on the efforts of the supporting health care and counseling facilities and the therapist involved. The impact of suicide is further magnified by the needs of persons who attempt suicide multiple times, requiring emergency health care and rehabilitation. Preventing such activities becomes a major task for the support providing agencies as soon as clients with such tendencies are identified. There are repetitive traits that can be observed during the therapeutic program among the high-risk group individuals, who are susceptible to this kind of activity and such traits indicate for a specific profile. The aim of the instrument is to prevent the occurrence of the repetitive suicidal attempts of the clients in Washington State, which has one of the highest suicide rates. This profile has been constructed on the various parameters recognized in the statistical analysis of the client pool in Washington State, who have been under treatment for their suicidal behavior. This predictor indicates the probability of clients who attempt suicides repetitively by matching the parameters of the profile with that of the client. Building a profile for the purpose of predicting behavior of this kind can strengthen the intervention strategies more comprehensively and reduce such incidents and health care requirements and expenses.
Keywords: Instrument; parameters; predictor; risk category; suicide.