Ultrasonography (US) is a safe and available real-time, high-resolution imaging method, which during the last decades has been increasingly integrated as a clinical tool in gastroenterology. New US applications have emerged with enforced data software and new technical solutions, including strain evaluation, three-dimensional imaging and use of ultrasound contrast agents. Specific gastroenterologic applications have been developed by combining US with other diagnostic or therapeutic methods, such as endoscopy, manometry, puncture needles, diathermy and stents. US provides detailed structural information about visceral organs without hazard to the patients and can play an important clinical role by reducing the need for invasive procedures. This paper presents different aspects of US in gastroenterology, with a special emphasis on the contribution from Nordic scientists in developing clinical applications.
Keywords: clinical; endoscopy; functional-disorders; gastroduodenal; gastroenterology; interventional; ultrasound.