Interrelationship between dielectric parameters and level of ATPH before and during ischemia, as well as with indices of survival after elimination of strangulation, was estimated on a simulation model of strangulation ileus in rats. The data obtained permit to suppose, that parameter tg δm may be used as effective noninvasive criterion of diagnosis in real time for estimation of the intestinal wall state in strangulation. Resection of the infringed intestine without elimination of strangulation is necessary in tg δm less than 2.20, in tg δm more than 2.36 the elimination of infringement is indicated, because there exist possibility to restore intestinal function after ischemic-reperfusion injury. Tactics of treatment in intermediate meanings of tg δm is not determined, but its measurement before reperfusion may help in estimation of a small intestine viability and choice of surgical tactics in its ischemia.