Aims: The aim of this study was to draw up a set of recommendations based on scientific evidence and in agreement with authors and reviewers, which address fundamental issues concerning the combination of antiepileptic drugs.
Development: A committee of 11 experts belonging to the Sociedad Andaluza de Epilepsia (SAdE--Andalusian Epilepsy Society), of whom seven were neurologists, three were neuropaediatricians and one was a neurologist-neurophysiologist, all of them with long experience in epilepsy, promoted a comprehensive literature review among 55 experts in epilepsy who were members of the SAdE, with the aim of searching for any evidence that might be available on diagnostic or therapeutic matters in epilepsy. The guidelines were set out in 35 chapters. One of the chapters addressed the combination of antiepileptic drugs in the treatment of epilepsy. Taking 77 bibliographical references and the consensus view of authors and reviewers as their starting point, a set of easily applicable recommendations were drawn up.
Conclusions: Combining antiepileptic drugs in patients with epilepsy whose seizures are not controlled with a single drug can, on many occasions, result in their going back into remission. There are a series of factors related with the type of epilepsy and characteristics of the patient and with the antiepileptic drugs to be used in combination that may favour a successful therapeutic outcome. Over-treatment with the combination of antiepileptic drugs must be avoided as far as possible. The results of this review provide a set of recommendations regarding combined treatment with antiepileptic drugs, based on scientific evidence and the agreement of authors, that are simple, useful and easy to apply at the different levels of healthcare.
Title: Tratamiento combinado con farmacos antiepilepticos. Guia Andaluza de Epilepsia 2015.
Objetivo. Elaborar unas recomendaciones basadas en evidencias cientificas y en consenso de los autores y revisores, que aborden las cuestiones basicas acerca de la combinacion de farmacos antiepilepticos. Desarrollo. Un comite de 11 expertos pertenecientes a la Sociedad Andaluza de Epilepsia (SAdE), constituido por siete neurologos, tres neuropediatras y un neurologo-neurofisiologo, todos con especial competencia en epilepsia, promovieron la realizacion de una revision bibliografica exhaustiva entre 55 expertos en epilepsia pertenecientes a la SAdE, en busca de evidencias disponibles relacionadas con temas diagnosticos o terapeuticos en epilepsia. La guia se estructuro en 35 capitulos. Uno de los capitulos abordo la combinacion de farmacos antiepilepticos en el tratamiento de la epilepsia. Basandose en 77 citas bibliograficas y en la opinion consensuada de autores y revisores, se confecciono una serie de recomendaciones de facil aplicacion. Conclusiones. La combinacion de farmacos antiepilepticos en los pacientes con epilepsia cuyas crisis no estan controladas con un solo farmaco puede conseguir en numerosas ocasiones que entren en remision. Existe una serie de factores relacionados con el tipo de epilepsia y caracteristicas del paciente y con los farmacos antiepilepticos que se van a utilizar en combinacion que pueden favorecer el exito terapeutico. Se debe evitar en lo posible el sobretratamiento con la combinacion de farmacos antiepilepticos. Los resultados de esta revision proveen unas recomendaciones sobre el tratamiento combinado con farmacos antiepilepticos, basadas en evidencias cientificas y en el consenso de los autores, utiles, sencillas y aplicables en los diferentes niveles asistenciales.