Bezoars are masses formed by the concretion of stomach contents or debris within the gastrointestinal tract. Bezoars are rare and account for only 0.4-4% of all cases of gastrointestinal obstruction and mainly occur in the stomach or small intestine. Intestinal obstruction caused by colonic bezoars is extremely rare. We report a case of a distal sigmoid obstruction caused by a phytobezoar in a 60-year-old man with no obvious precipitating causes. He presented to the emergency department acutely unwell and a subsequent abdominal CT scan showed a mass within the proximal sigmoid colon suspicious for a bezoar. He proceeded to have an urgent laparotomy and the obstructive intraluminal mass in the sigmoid colon was identified and manually broken down. Subsequent histopathological assessment reported amorphous material and plant cellular matter consistent with the diagnosis of a phytobezoar.
2015 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.