Background: The purpose of this case report is to present a novel cause of crystalline maculopathy.
Findings: A 52-year-old Japanese female presented with a 4-month history of decreased vision in the left eye. Best corrected visual acuity in the left eye was 20/40. Dilated fundus examination of the right eye was unremarkable, but that of the left eye demonstrated foveal yellow-green intraretinal crystals and mild vitritis. Optical coherence tomography of the left eye revealed small intraretinal fluid cysts and intraretinal crystals. Ultra-widefield fluorescein angiography was normal in the right eye, but that of the left eye demonstrated features of intermediate uveitis. There was no history or findings to suggest any cause for the crystals other than the uveitis.
Conclusions: We propose that this may represent a novel category of crystalline retinopathy, termed uveitic crystalline maculopathy. We hypothesize that breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier as seen in uveitis may contribute to the deposition of crystals in the macula, although the precise composition of the crystals is unknown.
Keywords: Blood-retinal barrier; Crystalline maculopathy; Uveitic crystalline maculopathy; Uveitis.